This is part of my final project for my degree which is a group project that I am completed at SAE Media Institute in Melbourne. This project spans across two trimesters, the first is pre-production and the second is production and post-production which we are currently busy with.
For this project I am the environment artist, modeler and texturer. I am using Maya for modeling, Substance painter for texturing and our project will be animated between Maya and Unreal and finally rendered through Unreal.
I also created our dust particle system that we used for our environment to help add atmosphere.
Throughout the project I also worked on branding through creating our "company" logo and business cards. Later on I designed and created the movie posters as well as the business cards as well as promotional display and giveaways for our exhibition night.
Towards the end I also created our credits as the freelancer we had for the title page and credits could only do the title page. Having seen a brief video of what she was planning to do, I based my composition off of hers regarding the creeping frost to help tie the two together.

This is the link to our website for our final project product that lists all involved and gives more of a background for the overall project:

Final Animation
This is our final version of our animation which we submitted for our final Major Project. Unfortunately we ran out of time to polish some of the animations towards the end but we are still very happy with how it came out otherwise.
Our Exhibition Night Table Display
Modeled Environment in Unreal
Please note there are the odd blockout model of lesser important assets or assets that were done by Grace later on.
These are screenshots of assets as I completed their texturing in Substance Painter 3D
Populating Our Environment
As the Environment Artist and due to lack of time, I acquired any non essential assets from Quixel bridge and carefully place into our scene. These are the screenshots after placing items. To not mess with the lighting Grace had put in, I hid some walls and ceilings during my process. I also took some screenshots with everything in place to double check that I was happy with our scene.
These are the credits I put together for our animation using After Effects and the Maxon plugins.
These are our posters and business cards for exhibition. The original design of our company logo and business cards can be found in my Other Artistic Works section.

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