These are the collection of the VFX projects I created during my Higher Certificate in Animation & VFX course in South Africa 2021. We were given most of the videos to work on from our lecturer except for the Green Screen Story where we only got the video of the zombies that we filmed together.
Tracking & Replacing Project
For this project we had to track and replace Miley's eye colour.
Tracking & Replacing Project
For this project we had to track and replace the Apple logo.
Tracking & Placing Project
For this project we tracked the wall and added graffiti to it.
Greenscreen Replacing Project
Here we had to replace the green screen of the phone.
Green Screen Story Project
For this project we had to create our own apocalyptic city environment using photoshop and after effects, then add in our zombie footage that our class created and shot. It had to be 15 seconds. Unfortunately all the footage the teachers had helped us create was abit short on that.

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